
12 Weeks to WOW ~

DOORS CLOSE 21st SEPTEMBER 〰️ 12 Weeks to WOW ~


After I turned 40 my weight, hormones and wellbeing became so much harder to manage - I felt stuck in a body that wasn’t loving me back. I finally found the easier way that actually helped me lose weight and keep it off - naturally!

Now I rock my favourite outfit whenever I want to and I teach other Gen X women how to find this freedom too.


Even though I had been a Personal Trainer for over 15 years I found that once I hit 40 everthing changed! The exercise and nutrition habits that I had been using to maintain my weight and body shape were NOT working anymore. In fact, my weight started to steadily creep up even when I restricted food and increased exercise - can you relate?

As my weight climbed despite arduous workouts and food restriction, and not being able to fit into most of my clothes, I searched for a solution and eventually found Metabolic Balance - a personalised nutrition program based on your unique blood results developed by European Medical Physicians and Nutritional Scientists. I was so impressed, I studied and became an accredited MB Practitioner and combined MB with my expertise in women’s fitness, mindset coaching and lifestyle change.

These elements now form the basis of my life transforming “12 Weeks to WOW” program.

Celeste says…

“I was at such a low point; I was exhausted all day. I was literally dragging my feet. My girlfriends all sounded like me - we are exhausted all the time. I remember thinking, I am now middle aged (at 40), and my best years are behind me? But now I feel the best I’ve ever felt!”

Amanda K says…

“I was so happy in every other area of my life but I wasn’t empowered in my health -Bek’s program turned up at exactly the right time”

Carolyn says…

I wish we had connected some 15 years ago, as I have spent thousands on various weight loss and exercising programs that were not addressing my personal health issues.
— Quote Source

The game changer for us women over 40 is a customised Metabolic Balance meal plan based on your unique blood values, that optimises your metabolism and balances your hormones.

Podcast out now!


Podcast out now! 〰️

Ways to work with me

  • You’ve tried the diets that worked for you in your 20’s and 30’s but they just don’t work for you anymore! Learn why in this free 20 minute Live Masterclass

  • The game changer for us women over 40 is a customised Metabolic Balance meal plan based on your unique blood values, that optimises your metabolism and balances your hormones.

  • Emotion Release Technique (ERT)is a holistic method of psycho-emotional therapy inspired by Neuro Emotional Technique. Neuropeptides are released during times of stress, and can attach to receptors on the neurons and cells of tissues throughout the body, supporting the theory that stored emotions can contribute to pain, illness and disease. Based on this principle, ERT combines touch, muscle response and memory recall to help process and release emotional blocks. ERT is also beneficial when working with sabotage patterns and can help you achieve your goals.

  • A series of on-line programs designed to teach and inspire mid-life women to take control of their physical future by use of age appropriate muscle and bone strengthening Resistance Training practices. The mid-life woman can lift too - we just need a more finessed approach.

  • Let's chat and see if my services can help you. Book a call with me HERE

You’ve tried the diets that worked for you in your 20’s and 30’s but they just don’t work for you anymore! Learn why in this free 20 minute Live Masterclass.

Get on the wait list now


Get on the wait list now 〰️