My 12 week program will help you shift that stubborn weight, stabilise your hormones and fit into all of those clothes that you keep moving to the side in your wardrobe. I call it 12 weeks to WOW for good reason.
What is involved you ask? Metabolic Balance is a personalised nutrition program based on your blood test results, your current health issues, food preferences and weight loss goal. It is a scientifically proven program designed to help you lose the weight and keep it off.

How is this different to what you’ve tried before? You’ll be prescribed a personal nutrition plan devised to match your biochemistry with the right food chemistry. Your plan will re-set your metabolism so that it is working in your favour - fat is released, Metabolic Health is restored and overall wellness is improved. Many of the ladies who have done the program also report better skin and hair, much higher energy levels, symptoms of some disease easing and in some cases, medication has been able to be reduced or even ceased altogether (with GP approval)!

(This program is also suitable if you are suffering SIBO, IBS, Coeliac disease, Diabetes or Thyroid disease etc)

I’ll teach you over the course of 12 weeks how to adapt the program to you, for life with 1 on 1 sessions combined with group coaching sessions for maximal accountability, encouragement and motivation to help you stay the course even when it gets tough.

If you are “over it” and really ready for true transformation then book a discovery call to find out if you are suitable for this program.

I have a few questions to determine if this program can work for you. Just hit the button below.